That’s called electricity, Ka.

But wait, what is this sci-fi doing in my fantasy?
So a note on this new inclusion in the redux: For quite a long time as I was world-building this story, I debated back and forth over whether to have some sci-fi elements. By the time I drew the original prologue in 2007, I had decided that adding in the sci-fi aspect was too complicated and I dropped it out of the story. But over the course of the decade that I’ve been posting this comic online, my skills as both an artist and writer have improved immensely. It was no longer so difficult for me to keep track of complicated plot-threads and to meld different elements and character arcs together, so including the sci-fi side of the story wasn’t a challenge any longer. In fact, it had become pivotal to the overall direction of the plot. I could have once more left it out of the prologue as I redrew it, but then it would have felt incredibly jarring to drop those plot-lines into the middle of a (until that point) purely medieval high-fantasy. I’ve seen authors do that before, and it never felt quite right. But by making such a simple and small change as painting in some circuit-lines early on, the audience’s mind is now open to the idea that they can expect this world to offer more than a LotR-esque setting throughout.