Rava, stop hitting yourself.

Anor’s smug little monologue in the first panel is an indirect reference to this exchange way back in chapter 4 when Anor was first introduced. Now we know his secret! He’s just very clever and very nosy; an awfully troublesome combination (for everyone but Anor).

And, oh yes! The plot of this comic was all about the daemons searching for Arivan, wasn’t it? It’s been a while since he was mentioned, but luckily the characters haven’t forgotten why they’re in this story, even if it slips their minds to bring him up much.

Comics of the Week – Mar 01

Brave new worlds await! Whether new takes on the post apocalypse or being thrust into a completely different social dynamic, these characters must do their best to survive!

Gifts of Wandering Ice is a sci-fi story about ancient things people find in melting icebergs.

Of Conquests and Consequences – Of conquests and consequences is a coming of age comic about growing up in a foreign culture. Ruiso, a teenage aristocrat from the North finds himself a prisoner of war and is assigned as a servant to Ragu, a young heiress of one of the clans from across the desert. His captor will take him far away from his homeland and further still from his comfort zones. How will he adapt to the new culture?