I seem serene on the surface
With not a ripple to betray myself
But beneath I am the sea in a storm
Look in the depths of my eyes
And you will see how the tides rage
Against this watered-down world.

A couple years ago I made this piece of Rava, the daemon of fire. It has long been a piece I really loved, and I decided to make this companion piece of Anor, the daemon of water.

I also made a contrast image to show them off together:

And I have a computer again!! I’m so thrilled, I was pushing that Surface to the absolute limit using it for all my work. I have it for lighter work on the go… definitely wasn’t built to handle the full demands of a digital artist. :/ My old computer isn’t completely dead, but as a surprise early birthday present, my mum got me a new MacBook (she wants the old one, evidently, once its battery is replaced). The last week has been spent setting up, installing, migrating, etc. You would not BELIEVE how difficult it is to get Photoshop CS5 on a new MacBook. Since the software isn’t supported by either Adobe or Apple anymore, it wouldn’t allow it to install. I ended up needing to open up the terminal and input direct commands to disable Apple from blocking it and then force it to install. And then you need to download a java application to run it…. but in the end, I got it up and running (phew, holding out as long as humanly possible on Adobe CC because it’s an insanely expensive subscription based app. Seriously, something like $20 a month just to use Photoshop alone!). And this was the first painting done on the new computer. In Photoshop! PHOTOSHOP, I MISSED YOU SO MUCH DON’T EVER LEAVE ME AGAIN.